Friday, August 03, 2007

Arenas Blogs Back on Sharks

The media and sports debate shows were tearing up Gilbert Arenas this past week over a blog he posted, seen at In the blog Gilbert discussed the topic of "Shark attacks". Here's the original post:

"There are these things called shark attacks, but there is no such thing as a shark attack. I have never seen a real shark attack.

I know you’re making a weird face as you’re reading this. OK people, a shark attack is not what we see on TV and what people portray it as.

We’re humans. We live on land.

Sharks live in water.

So if you’re swimming in the water and a shark bites you, that’s called trespassing. That is called trespassing. That is not a shark attack.

A shark attack is if you’re chilling at home, sitting on your couch, and a shark comes in and bites you; now that’s a shark attack. Now, if you’re chilling in the water, that is called invasion of space. So I have never heard of a shark attack.

Since shows like Pardon the Interruption and Rome is Burning have criticized Arenas for the comments above, Gilbert has responded back saying it was a joke he was re-telling. Agent 0 fired back to the critics in his latest blog:

"I mean they were even talking about it on PTI. Patrick McEnroe was saying I should quit making jokes about sharks and worry about rehabbing. Patrick, you’re right, I should be focusing on my knee. I guess taking 15 minutes to tell a joke doesn’t leave 23 hours and 45 minutes the rest of the day to be working on my knee. Rome was killing me too, but Rome’s my boy so I can’t say anything bad about him.

Patty Mac, shouldn’t you be “focusing” on talking about real sports that are going on? I didn’t realize that telling jokes can get me on PTI. I should do it more often.

Did you hear the one about the monkey and the dog …

I would finish the joke, but I already spent too much time on this post and need to get back to the gym according to McEnroe.

Before I do though, I’m going to go play with my new pet. It’s called a “liger.” It’s a cross between a tiger and a lion. I made it up. Man, I’m so original.

(Yes, I stole that from Napoleon Dynamite. Rent it. It’s funny.)

Oddly enough, Gilbert didn't state he was re-telling a joke until after the criticism. A disclaimer might have helped, but he really is entitled to say what he choose, as it is his blog. Also, in his defense, a recent Larry King show with hosts of a show about Sharks discussed how they don't believe shark attacks are a developing problem and they even echoed the idea that when you are in the water, you are in a shark's environment. They claimed you're not necessarily being attacked, but the sharks are going after food that happens to be in their environment. You decide.

It's also good to see that the NBA Referee scandal isn't rocking the sport so badly this week, thanks to Gilbert and KG.

Gilbert Arenas' blog at can be seen here.

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